Department of Astronomy: Kemball Research Group
This research group focuses on the application of advanced or high-performance computing to problems in observational astronomy. Areas of current research in astrophysics include: i) the theory of interferometry; ii) astrophysical masers, and iii) gravitational lensing.
Recent publications
Vlemmings, W. H. T., Khouri, T., Marti-Vidal, I., Tafoya, D., Baudry, A., Etoka, S., Humphreys, E. M. L., Jones, T. J., Kemball, A., O'Gorman, E., Perez-Sanchez, A. F., and Richards, A. M. S. 2017, Magnetically aligned dust and SiO maser polarization in the envelope of the red supergiant VY CMa, Astronomy and Astrophysics (submitted), (12pp).
Richter, L., Kemball, A., and Jonas, J. 2016, Simultaneous VLBA polarimetric observations of the v={1,2} J=1-0 and v=1, J=2-1 SiO maser emission toward VY CMa II: component-level polarization analysis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461, 2309 (19pp).
Hezaveh, Y.D., Dalal, N., Marrone, D.P., Mao, Y.-Y., Morningstar, W., Wen, D., Blandford, R.D., Carlstrom, J.E., Fassnacht, C.D., Holder, G.P., Kemball, A., Marshall, P.J., Murray, N., Perreault Levasseur, L., Vieira, J.D., and Wechsler, R.H. 2016,Detection of lensing substructure using ALMA observations of the dusty galaxy SDP.81, Astrophysical Journal, 823, 37(19pp).
Gonidakis, I., Diamond, P.J., and Kemball, A.J. 2013,A long-term VLBA monitoring campaign of the v=1, J=1-0 SiO masers toward TX Cam, I: Morphology and shock waves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433, 3133 (19pp).
Publication Archive
Kemball, A. J. 1989 .Numerical determiation of apparent horizons M.Sc. research report. Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand. 1989.
A. J. Kemball
Department of Astronomy
1002 W. Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Athol Kemball
Dept. of Astronomy
1002 W. Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801